your influence in my career was massive and almost impossible to quantify
Honestly, I answered the questions before reading your feedback and it leaves me in awe. I have said this to you before, I have no idea what brought us together, I was not a massive believer in the coach/self-help space and had never posted or sent a single message on Linkedin. Meeting you has been a life changing experience.
The best way for me to respond to write up the impact you have had across our three goals. I believe that your influence in my career was massive and almost impossible to quantify. You helped bring clarity, strategic direction and actions and accountability. As we discussed, I feel that looking forward this is a fundamental that I wish to keep.
I found you to be the most valuable confidant through my divorce. What I have valued the most about your approach, was that you heard me, you understood me, but you challenged me. There was countless session where I left with things you said and thoughts I had, that made me consider what my heartache and pain would not. [...] I believe you have helped me, be a better father, ex husband and person in this parting.
Finally, me. Your process understood me, it broke me down and you saw through the defensives that I have used to charm and avoid the truths of who I am. Our sessions were raw and emotional, I left feeling exhausted and liberated.
Whilst we found my faults and looked to heal the response, you helped me see the good and the future. I struggled to acknowledge that I was worthy and deserving. You made me see that and that feels amazing. That creates such a beautiful thought in mind about my next life and what feeling is going to be like.
Thank you Sonia, I leave our engagement a better person and excited for my future.

understanding my strengths
I am putting few thoughts down on the coaching experience I had with you over the past few months. The first significant impact, which may sound a bit strange, is that I got to spend time on myself, with myself. People generally, and I am no exception, are so busy rushing around concerned with daily life that they spend little time thinking about themselves, what they are doing, why they are doing the things they are doing and whether their lives are going in the direction they “should” be. Having to spend time each week thinking about issues surrounding the three areas that we worked on assisted me greatly in identifying and understanding what really matters to me. Having moved beyond judging myself (and hopefully others!) and accepting that this was part of me, I then understood why I react in the ways that I do to things and merely having this understanding has assisted me in all aspects of my life.
I also spent quite a bit of time understanding my strengths. Once these were concrete in my mind, this gave me the clear path of what I need to focus on in my life generally, and in the three areas that we worked on in particular. Together with the knowledge of what is important to me, as discussed above, this gave me a greater sense of inner peace. While I accept that my personality is such that I will always be after bigger and better things, this inner peace really benefited my relationships at home and at work. One of the other very big benefits of coaching was the structure it gave to what needed to be done. We started with three areas of focus, and then through the structured approach worked on goals and weekly actions. As the weeks passed, looking back I could see how things were moving along so that right at the end, what was achieved in each area was immense.
While I achieved a great deal in each of the three areas, I think what should not be underestimated is the foundation that has been established for taking them further in the months and years to come. They have become part of my daily life and as such have enhanced my life tremendously. Thank you very much for everything over the past three months!

I wish I can continue our sessions indefinitely
Sonia I cannot put in words how much our sessions helped me. You are amazing you were so in tune with what I was feeling and experiencing it’s amazing. I loved working with you and will definitely recommend you to anyone who needs not only a life coach, but a person who is so in touch with the client’s feelings that it’s almost super natural. I wish I can continue our sessions indefinitely. You are amazing, wonderful and I’m so glad the universe brought me to you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

new beginnings
Thanks for helping me to work through the difficult decisions that I needed to make about my personal and professional life and helping me to realise that I can say “no”. Not 100 % there yet but trying harder to let people know I need to spend time with my family and feedback can wait for a few hours. I really feel that I am in a better emotional place and space then what I was before I started with the sessions.
Helping me to realise ‘new beginnings’ is what I need in my life. Do not resist change as mentioned in the cards and when in doubt I just read the cards again.

actionable closure and movement
I have spent my life going inward through various means – therapy, meditation, regression therapy, plant medicine… you name it I have tried it. Your process, your presence, your soul, and your commitment have moved me to actionable closure and movement. Thank you!
You have a gift that everyone deserves to experience. Not once did I feel you were “being a therapist” or “being a coach”. You were a supportive friend who made me feel safe, comfortable, and open enough to explore some hard truths about myself. I loved your morning meditations and readings – I looked forward to hearing what you had to say and learn from your wisdom. You are creative and inspiring!
I can not thank you enough Sonia!

motivation to make changes
I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to recover from a difficult childhood and, like a lot of people, I have tried many therapies and read countless self-help books. Most of this was not very helpful, but Life Coaching with Sonia gave me the real motivation to make changes, which have led to improvements in all areas of my life.
I felt an immediate connection to Sonia. She is a no nonsense, practical person who inspires youto do the work so you can reap the benefits. It felt great to have someone listen without passing judgment to what I was saying, yet, in turn, give me practical steps (in a workbook which I could reference as I was going along) rather than just respond verbally to me.
I cannot recommend her highly enough!

challenged me
Sonia’s gentle guidance and wisdom has been life changing for me. She has challenged me to open up and explore aspects of myself and my life which in turn has resulted in major and unexpected growth both within my personal life and my approach to my career. Her honest, intuitive and kind approach has lead to my own self-discovery and growth.

highly motivating
Sonia is an incredibly strong and inspirational woman!
Her charisma and energy, positivity and strength are magnetic and highly motivating. Sonia uses more than just her excellent expertise, she is also naturally spiritually and intuitively connected to her clients.

staunch realisations through processing my life
[ ... ] Sonia has a natural and contagious energy. She is sharp, witty and so good at realising the opportunity for you, understanding where you are both personally and on a business level. She highlights a roadmap of what to do to get to where you want to go. I had staunch realisations through processing my life with Sonia. I was so grateful for the deep work we did and looking back now, I doubt I would have made it through the hard lockdown in our country (and my industry collapsing) as well as I have without her coaching guidance.
Sonia enabled tools and techniques to unlock what was holding me back in both my business and personal life. If you are looking for a way to better manage your life, deal with deep trauma, or improve your relationship with Self, I recommend Sonia without hesitation and I look forward to furthering my journey with her in the future. Thank you, Sonia – for all of your effort, love and guidance on my coaching journey – I am forever grateful to you!

uplifted me as a person
Sonia, you have really taken me to an amazing path of my life where you made me realise that I do belong and I do not need to prove myself to anyone. You made me see each and every version of me in my life and appreciate and acknowledge me for all I have done and what I have accomplished.
Your insights and advice helped me to not only grow in my personal life but also take charge of my career. You uplifted me as a person and helped me in believing in my own opinion and to follow my instincts.
You are an amazing person which I will always treasure for guiding and coaching me to love me for me, and now for how I think other people want me to be. I trust myself and have really learned to love myself in a way I never thought would be possible.
All your tips and guidance to managing my work /personal life and how to balance the two, but also to find time for myself is the most important element.

capitalise on my passions
When identifying a single phrase to describe my coaching experience with Sonia, my mind inevitably concludes that she is a “blessing in disguise”. Sonia’s heart centred, positive and fun personality makes her easy to open up to, making the coaching process so much less formal and rigid. Her value-centred guidance challenged me to think beyond just my career and to utilise and capitalise on my passions and strengths, many of which I wasn’t able to see without her support and guidance.
This boosted my self-confidence to persevere and push through some trying times. Most importantly, she helped me remember that loving yourself is key to everything. That “gaining new knowledge and skills is epic- but remember the space in between” she would always remind me. Sonia was without a doubt a divine messenger to me during a time of some tough decision making on both a personal and professional level. I always felt lighter and energised after our discussions.
If you are seeking a coach, she really is amazing!
Call her NOW!

masterful at breaking it down
Sonia is one of the most emotionally intelligent people I know. When I first met Sonia over LinkedIn I was not uncertain about whether she will be able to help me. I expected to go through some type of process that came out of a book. I am sure many of the processes we followed may have very well been learnt, etc. but Sonia made the everything seem so natural and flowing. Sonia often said to me that she admires the courage that I have to enter into these sessions; but the truth be told; she is really the courageous one as it takes someone really special to help other people in need and bring back the life we want to live. The life we live is sometimes difficult and it gives me comfort to know that Sonia is there to help when I need it.
The connection and energy that I have had with Sonia during our sessions are amazing. Often the discussion point that I would raise would be something that has already come to her mind before our sessions began. This alignment strengthened our conversations and I am truly invested in the experience and process. There is a real understanding of the challenges I face, and she is masterful at breaking it down and getting me through it.

I achieved excellence
As an International Corporate Trainer and Executive Coach, I engage, up-skill and coach audiences and individuals worldwide. As the saying goes; ‘all coaches need a coach’ and I am exceptionally fortunate enough to have found that in Sonia. She has the innate ability to deeply connect and as a coach seeking a coach, that was the first thing that impacted me the most. She effortlessly gains rapport with her sincere empathy and creates a very therapeutic coaching experience, which allowed me the opportunity for honest self-reflection.
As a skilled, experienced and ethical coach, she is assertive and her unwavering commitment to ensuring that I achieve/d excellence in my coaching plan was/is highly effective. I confidently recommend Sonia Killik to anybody seeking professional and outcome-based Life Coaching.

adventure and learning
Having known Sonia for a while, I knew we would be able to connect, but what I discovered was something much more life-changing than I ever could have expected. Being that I live in a different city, I thought Skype might be a little bit awkward, but she made me feel at ease right from the very beginning. I have never been one to open up and really search within myself to find the answers I so desperately need, but in Sonia’s trademarked, gentle but firm way, she led me to a path of better understanding myself and my goals. I am now on that path and it’s an ongoing journey, but I realise now that the answers are all within me and so are the possibilities. It’s a path of adventure and learning, and I will forever be grateful for the courage and fire she helped me to discover within myself. Love is always the answer, no matter what the question. Love my self. Love others. That is all.

It has reframed my outlook
I started this process with you in a bad place, and at the time you believe that you have permanently taken a negative turn. Not only was that not the case, but it was the opposite.
I feel very privileged to have taken this journey with you and at this time in my life. It has reframed my outlook and at a critical juncture in my life. You have a gift for what you do and the best part is that I can see how much you love it daily, and it gives you strength and purpose.

a productive roadmap
Sonia is passionate, intuitive, kind and a beautiful human being to work with. She creates a productive roadmap in order for you to reach each of your goals. Through self-analysing, discovery and some really tough work, Sonia creates a safe space for you to talk, feel and understand your thoughts and feelings.
Thank you for sharing your joy and passion and helping me focus on the light within me.

pushed away my fears
Thanks to your coaching and support, I have phoned and phoned, pushed away my fears (or encountered them) of being a pest and a nag and phoned again!…..often in the nick of time, knowing I had to come up with something and show some results because I had a session with you! And the results started to happen. I could not or would not have achieved any results without your excellent coaching, support and compassion.

past beliefs do not bother me
All the while I thought I was answering to others, in reality, the only 'other' I need to answer to is myself. Past beliefs do not bother me anymore. You have the present and what you make of the future, so damn it, just do it! In something a whole lot larger than a nutshell, this is what Sonia Killik has, in such an effortless manner, relayed to me. I cannot thank you enough Sonia, you employ all the joy you find in this world, salute!

custom-made to guide me
Sonia is warm, attentive and gentle, she gives support and encouragement from her heart and is unfailingly professional. I feel that in Sonia I found a coach custom-made to guide me through the matters that mattered and launch me into action.
I would like to thank Sonia for having my back while I travelled some unexpectedly sensitive and complicated emotional paths, and for ensuring that my direction of movement was ever forward and upward.

unbelievably enlightening
I found my journey through the coaching process unbelievably enlightening. I felt that Sonia was with me every step of the way, supporting me in a way I could not have dreamed possible - this enabled me to shift some major areas of my life that were blocked mostly by various fears. I felt that Sonia works in an intuitive way, reading between the lines of what was really going on.
Sonia is compassionate and caring with a positive, professional and friendly attitude at all times.

I have grown so much
I know it’s your job, but thank you. Since I met you I’ve been able to have such clarity in my life. You have such an inspiring, energetic and focused approach with coaching. This has helped me so much as I never felt pressurised but always very supported instead.
You challenged me and stretched me out of those comfort-zones I was finding so restrictive and depressing. All the time, I never felt you judged me once. Our sessions have made me think about so much in my life and I’ve had amazing insights as far as we go.
I have grown so much. It truly is awesome having somebody to hold your hand and walk a journey with you.

create miracles in his own life
I would like to describe what happened as follows: I came to Sonia as an injured bird with little if no belief in myself. I was weighed down by the stress and strain of my professional work and years of wanting to be someone other then the monster I felt I had become.
With Sonia’s support, help and strength the little injured bird grew stronger, learning to fly and believe in himself in order to take on the flights he always wanted to go on but knew he could never achieve in the past. Now the healing bird can do those marvellous flights, can achieve and create miracles in his own life, but also in his work life and his wider social life.
Thank you, Sonia, you made it possible for me to do.