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Why Your Body & Brain Lie To You [live coaching]

Your hormones, health, and diet affect your emotions and your thoughts, and often, this isn't a good influence. In today's live we look at why you shouldn't believe everything you think and feel about yourself and why your body and brain is lying to you.


Healing Your Mother | Father Wounds With San Pedro [live coaching]

After my recent San Pedro retreat, I share insights about the wounds we carry forward, how we limit ourself by our relationship with our family, and how our self-belief is shaped by our sense of belonging.

Why You Should Protect Your Inner Core [live coaching]

Are you filtering out what is allowed to influence your energy, confidence, and success? This week we look at how your inner core can not only protect your truth and worth, but provide an endless source of energy that you need to succeed at your goals.


How To Move Forward When You Want To Give Up [live coaching]

Sometimes we see blocks, challenges and slow progress and an end point, or a sign that it is time to give up the fight. But are you misinterpreting the message? Are these blocks really your guidance system of telling you where your next growth and expansion will be?

Are You Living in Fantasy or Reality? (part 2) [live coaching]

Most of us live in fantasy - is this a good thing? Or is it damaging your ability to succeed? The 2nd instalment of this important topic delves deeper into why we retreat to fantasy and deplete our personal power.


Is Happiness Overrated? [live coaching]

Are you chasing happiness? And in the process making yourself miserable? How does our negativity bias effect our perspective and choices? And what would be a middle ground for a more consistent 'happiness'?


Introvert Introspection [live coaching]

Dave Henderson from MyeBook joins me today to share his experience of being an introvert, and together we decide that we don't like labels, and pushing comfort zones coupled with self-awareness is the best strategy whether you're an extrovert or an introvert..


Bucket List Living [live coaching]

Are you doing everything you want to do? Are you ticking off your bucket list? What is the disconnect between your 'day job' and the real you? And are you following rules you aren't even aware of around what you can, and can't do?


Heartache, Values And Anti-Depressants Week Two of Birthday Month [live coaching]

This week's 5x5 coaching brought up questions of how to move on from a broken relationship, how to navigate real and imagined trauma when going off anti-depressants, and how to stick to your values when faced with extreme conflict and ridicule.


Ask Me Anything! Week One of Birthday Month [live coaching]

You asked - I answered! Today I will be answering 4 questions ranging from work, to fitness, to dealing with negative people in the first of 4 special lives to celebrate birthday month!


How To Easily Change Your Habits [live coaching]

We all know how difficult it is to start a new eating or exercise plan, wake up at a different time, or stop a negative pattern. This week I will show you how to trick your brain into changing your habits without all the struggle.


Making Emotions A Choice [live coaching]

I'm back after my Covid experience!! I am slow, battling to think clearly and definitely didn't do this subject justice, but I showed up and did my best ? Are you often at the mercy of big and overwhelming emotions that leave you regretting your actions or constantly feeling that you are drowning in doubt, fear or anxiety? I discuss some practical ways in which to work with your emotions and awaken your vulnerability.


Boundaries: When You Lost Them and How To Get Them Back [live coaching]

Struggling with creating Boundaries in your life? How many times do you say "yes" instead of "no"? How often do you hide your truth for fear of hurting someone else? And how can you re-establish your boundaries?


Cleanse The Drama [live coaching]

Are you allowing negativity, toxic relationships and drama to have a place in your life? Are you too afraid to say 'no' and end it - permanently? In this live session I talk you through the steps necessary to reconnect to your power, build your assertiveness, and take brave action.


Understanding Your Energetic Blocks [live coaching]

We tend to stop or become frustrated at blocks within ourselves and our lives, but if we understand what they really are, we can use them to boost our inner and outer success. I show you how to recognise how your energetic blocks are directing you, and what to do with the wisdom.


The Goodness is Real [live coaching]

Sometimes we don't trust all the good things in our lives, we suspect that what we have worked for, and finally achieved, won't last or isn't real. Well... today I want you to know that your new path is here! What are you waiting for?


Betrayal, Bravery & Forgiveness [live coaching]

Are you waiting for someone else to change before you move on? Are you begging for the worth that you know you deserve? Are you begging for their acknowledgement of the hurt? This week we look at betrayal, forgiveness, and how you can TRULY move on.


Grow to Meet Your Dreams [live coaching]

Have you given up too early? Lost your confidence? In today's live session we speak about how to be consistent in your progress, and your self-belief.


Trusting In The Unknown [live coaching]

For whoever is resonating with this title, the topic of my Wednesday Live sessions is finding the balance between going after your desires, and trusting to the unfolding of your path.


How To Build Your Emotional and Mental Resilience

 [live coaching]

What is the difference between resistance and resilience? We look at how to build resilience using brain / heart coherence, as well as the different aspects of catastophysing, confidence and observing. A must watch during our current times.


The Power of Self-Compassion [guest speaker Breaking Status Quo Thinking]

In life, we encounter many different experiences, some are joyful, and some painful. But when we react to joy or pain with any form of resistance - pushing away or ignoring pain - we suffer. The speakers on the BSQ Platform discuss the practice of self compassion, what gets in its way, and how to cultivate a compassionate response to life's challenges.


Miserable to Marvellous: a 4 Point System to Renew your Life [art beauty podcast with Amber Milt]

Beauty isn’t ONLY Skin Deep. Happiness and peace are big contributors to beauty as you either radiate vibrant energy - or not. No amount of skin care products can hide fatigue, anxiety and fear. If we want to look our best - we have to feel our best. That means we have to incorporate our entire wellbeing in our self-care and beauty regime.


The Power of Spoken Words: How they Create your Reality [guest speaker Breaking Status Quo Thinking]

Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. Whatever direction your words lead - your mind, body and environment will follow. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.


Covid-19: The biggest Human Growth Trajectory of our Time? [the collaborative exchange panel]

Guest speakers Sonia Killik, Tanya Kunze and Trevor Hall join Kevin Hinton on the Collaborative Exchange to discuss how the experiences of covid-19 has forced humanity to grow in areas we may have become complacent in. Fear, anxiety and coping mechanisms was a big theme.


Does our Upbringing Affect our Ability to Succeed or Fail? [guest speaker Breaking Status Quo Thinking]

Trauma can leave a chemical mark on a person's genes. This alteration is not genetic, but epigenetic. We explore how trauma impacts future generations and how we were raised, the environment we grew up in, affects whether we will succeed or fail in life?


Shift your Relationship with Money [live coaching] 

Money is tied into our self-worth and because of this, we attach emotional outcomes to how money behaves in our lives. However, money is it’s own energy and flows best when we treat it in the same view as we treat our relationship with an ideal partner.


How to Stop Being Paralysed by Fear [live coaching] 

Physiologically speaking, our brains are hard-wired to conserve energy. This means that they love habits and detest change. Change requires them to wake up from sleep mode and start working. Whereas if you keep doing the same thing over and over again they can happily press the autopilot button and carry on sleeping.


Cultivating a Healthy Self Image [live coaching] 

A heal thy self-image means that we are unapologetically ourselves, we show up in our own lives, our work and our relationships more fully simply because we are being effortlessly authentic.  However, if you are constantly trying to mold yourself to fit in with a label, society, relationship or job, then you will always be defending yourself against other's needs and opinions.


The San Pedro [healing experience] 

We speak about 'emotional intelligence' and how important it is for self-awareness and the enjoyment of life and healthy relationships. But are we truly feeling our authentic emotions? Or are we convincing ourselves that we feel love, happiness, acceptance, and peace?


Belief Systems [how to take better actions]

You are what you think right? Wrong. And right. We are what we believe because our actions stem from our beliefs. BUT. Our beliefs themselves are not real and are only a product of all the data that your brain has gathered during your lifetime.

Procrastination [and the lazy brain syndrome]

A lot of people fight against procrastination for most of their lives, believing that there must be something wrong with them, that no matter how HARD they may want something, they just can’t seem to make it a reality. In this episode we look at how our brains are hard-wired to work against our efforts, and what we can do about it.

Anxiety [are you addicted to your story]

Addiction to our ‘story’ is a coping mechanism that helps us avoid our pain and fear. We hold on for dear life to the ‘story’ of our lives; to our history, our resentment and our disappointments. To move forward and be able to build your self into the person you want to be, we must let that story go, and be brave enough to write a new one.

What is 'Grit'

That quiet fire within you that gets you through your challenges, your pain and your fear. It doesn't promise the alleviation of suffering, but it does motivate you to persevere, to persist, and to never give up on life itself. In this video I share a tragedy that happened in my life that inspired me to begin rock climbing.

Your Health [tomorrow is not an option]

We live our entire lives through our body, every single experience is influenced by our health and how capable our bodies are to meet the challenges we face in life. But! It is the one area where we find the most resistance to change.

Why Fear Controls [Your Mind, Body & Emotions]

Fear is a natural body response that ensures our survival, the problem is that we have never switched off our flight/fight response. We have been living all our years at the mercy of our body's hyper vigilant threat-assessment system and this affects our mindset, habits and feelings.

Reality Vs Fantasy [Introduction]

Learning to stay present in our reality is one of the most important foundation skills you can have, it affects our behaviour, our choices and our zest for life. In this introductory module, we look at the differences between reality and fantasy, why we use it to self-medicate, and how we can begin releasing our dependence on it.

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